Skyloft Phase2b

This is the second potential from Skyloft, I'm not very happy with some of the transitions, and I think I like the composition of Phase2A much better, so I'm probably not going to put the effort into fixing these transitions. Will take a look at one more stitch, but I think 2a is going to be the one I print. 

Skyloft Phase2a

This shoot has me in an unusual predicament, I have 3 potentially good pictures. Round 2 of stitching started with a 65 CPU Hour run of set1 and set3. After initial HDR work on the set3 pano, I found a stitching error so stitch #3 was set3 only, and ran 23 CPU Hours, and another stitching flaw was spotted, so stitch #4 and another 23 CPU Hours and some minor exposure/contrast tuning and I have print candidate #1. The printed crop will remove all of the buildings in the foreground-right, and leave only enough of the building in the fore-left to allow me to include the mountains above them. This crop is slightly over 1Gp. If you have some time, look around and let me know what you find, if you see a stitching flaw, or if you find a crop that you think is particularly striking.

Skyloft Phase1

Ok, so I shot 4 pano's from the Skyloft and I've completed an initial stitch. All of them were stitched at 50% without any tuning. The HDR color work for these is a mix of quick manual edits and/or exposure fusion, at this point I'm selecting on composition, potential, and stitching errors. Leave a comment about which picture you think I should take to the next phase.






Skyloft Project

Earlier this fall, I had put out flyers to a few people offering a free poster print, and discounted canvas prints of their view. One of the respondents was the owner of a beautiful loft in the Skyloft building. I made a quick set of shots there one afternoon, and had great plans to return during better lighting. I was shortly distracted by business travel and work on the Sunset View Dr. project. This weekend I finally got around to stitching 4 proof's, 360, 240, 336 and 364 images respectively from that afternoon. I spent most of the weekend finishing up the web site, but found out yesterday that one of the girls that waits on me at the bakery lives there. I had gone up and shot for her father without her knowledge, and she was telling me about this beautiful view she has and how she wants to take a picture of it..... "oh, yea, tell your dad I didn't forget about him" I say sheepishly. Anyway, looks like a new picture is coming, and while I didn't catch the lighting exactly the way I wanted I think something is going to come of this.